Wednesday, December 7, 2011

To read about David C. Baker and the documentary film production, click on: Visit the Baker Legacy Website


  1. More is coming soon about the project and the part you can play in it.

  2. NIce job, Syl! I have to work on a bank sponsorship now but I will think of what we can blog and send things to you from here? I think that's how it works...I love the photo: was that one of yours or a template? Love it in either case.
    How do I send photos to this thing? Or should I email them to you? I have some great comments people made to me about David Baker but I have to get their permission first to put it here. Then we can give them the link and they'll be keeping us company. Should I design a separate emailer to send people to this blog?
    Later, back to that sponsorship biz. Thanks SO MUCH!
    Judy You can email me info on how to grow this, if you need it or call me anytime.

  3. Can we make the turquoise color red or orange or something that shows up better?

    this is fun to see the blog develop. I love the summary you made. This is super.

    Got to make calls for next hour. back soon.
